Benefits of Drinking Lemon, Ginger and Garlic Water
Benefits of Drinking Lemon, Ginger and Garlic Water Is there anyone who doesn’t know about these three ingredients. Of course not. Because lemon, ginger, and garlic can found in everyone’s kitchen. But do you know about the benefits of drinking Lemon, ginger and garlic water? If not let’s find out. Lemon Lemon, Ginger, and Garlic […]
Types of Breast Cancer and its Staging and Grading
Types of Breast Cancer and its Staging and Grading Most of the time woman have no idea about the types of breast cancers and because of that, they are unaware of the treatments related to breast cancer type. First of let’s see what is breast cancer? The name gives to any cancer that starts in […]
Breast Cancer Diagnosis Breast cancer diagnosis is very important for every woman. If you have been referred to hospital with a breast lump or a change in the appearance of your breasts, then you will usually have three assessments (called a triple assessment): A physical examination of your breasts (and armpits) by a doctor or […]
What is IORT (Intraoperative Radiotherapy)
What is IORT (Intraoperative Radiotherapy) IORT (Intraoperative radiotherapy) is one of the best techniques used for partial breast irradiation. IORT established as a suitable treatment option for breast cancer. This article will show the clinical trial data, patient selection criteria, advantages and disadvantages of partial breast IORT, and published guidelines. Doctors use this for selected […]
Manioc will make your cancer Disappear
Manioc will make your cancer Disappear This article based on how to use manioc potatoes for the treatment of cancer. The number of cancer patients has been cured using this method. I must say I am only an explorer and presenter of information on non-communicable diseases, including cancer, but also Western and alternative medicine. Only […]